Monday, February 23, 2009

Blood Donation Day (continue) 捐血的日子(续)

Just now 12pm went to General Hospital with Ken again for my virgin operation was successful, mission completed. :D
Nurse ask me donate before? I say 1st time then have to fill up a form.
After summit the form, gonna check my blood type, after this another nurse ask again is it 1st time? +_+!!! Yes I replied, she asked me again are you going to donate or wanna blood test? (OMG) I said donate. Then she said because a lot of peoples come to wrong places so have to ask again. I think maybe after they saw my age then they asked again -_-!!
Cause of 1st time so have to let doctor check my blood pressure and ask some questions.
Do you having sex with other then your wife? -_-!!!
After checked blood pressure, then ready for the donation.
The nurse give me a wood stick to hold on, and check for my blood root.(Photo 2)
When put in a nail just feel a little bit pain only, i tough was quite pain cause is a quite thick nail (Photo 1) LOL
They pass me a red book(photo 4) that record my donation date on it, and its name as a cert too :D
After 5 min, 450ml of my blood has donated(Photo 3), the nurse told me maximum per person only 450ml per time, 3 months a time.
After pull out the nail they call me to take a rest for few min.
And the blood donation mission is completed.

才中午12点再次和Ken到中央医院去捐血,这次终于完成任务咯 :D
在那里护士问我:有捐过吗?我就告知是第一次,然后就吩咐需要填表格。填完交上就得验血型,过后另外一位护士又问我是第一次吗?+_+!!! 我答是,接着又问我是来捐血还是验血的?(哇靠) 我说捐血。最后她说很多人以为这里是验血中心来错地方。我心想可能你是认为我的年纪而问我吧 -_-!!!
因为是第一次那就得见医生让医生验我的血压,OK血压正常。医生又问我说你婚后有没有与别的女性性交过?(意思是叫鸡咯)-_-!!! 当然没啦。

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

18 years ago,
you had a 1st time ...

After 18 years today ,
you also have a 1st time -->> blood donate.

Other 18 years again, please don't make a 1st time again. -->> sperm donate.