Sunday, March 2, 2008

DAP Speak Out at Kampar Road, Ipoh

After having dinner, went to Kampar Road to have a look of DAP speakout over there.
Wow ... Jam started from Maxis Center till the round about, a lot of cars parking till almost 1 km around that area.
Peoples over there must be almost 5ooo peoples or more.
Park at road side and went for listen for their speaks.
Its M.Kula turn, he speak very well and also added with some cantonese, for 1 joke he talking about Ong Kah Chuan, won't forget it, till now still smile while I writing. He said : The Ong ... Kah what... oh ... yea the Ham Ka Chan, opss... sorry sorry wrong pronous, you know lah I'm indian can't speak very well in chinese. All the peoples over there laughing out loud, and same as me.
Nows a day BN been hate by Malaysian citizens cause of their way for the country.
Now everybody living style become one year worst then one year.

M.Kula on stage

more then 5000 peoples watching.

Lim Kit Siang came.

Its too far and need to zoom so the photos a bit blur.

P/S : Just received a call from Hing DAP get RM33k donation by tonight.
Wow it's seem a lot of supporters.
07/03 Friday night same place same time having a bigger speak group here.
Let's see their result on coming Saturday (08032008)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

巫統就好像白螞蟻﹐每一秒都在吃國家的財富 。到底我國還有多少金山銀山?
總有一天會被吃光﹐到時華人就會成為代罪羔 羊。那是華人的生活到底會是怎樣呢?
馬華口口聲聲說不要削弱華人在朝的力量﹐但 是在現實馬華就是巫統的代理﹐說不好聽就是 巫統養的狗。巫統做不到的就叫馬華去辦。馬 來西亞的人民阿 醒來吧
國陣在大選用的錢﹐多到不敢想像。這筆錢不 是天掉下來的﹐過後該由誰來付?